Medicinska referenser
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- D'Antuono, A., et al., Use of Dermasilk briefs in recurrent vulvovaginal condidosis: safety and effectiveness. Mycoses, 2012. 55(3): 85-89
- Corazza, M., et al., Effectiveness of silk fabric underwear as an adjuvant tool in the management of vulvar lichen simplex chronicus: results of a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Menopause, 2015. 22 (8): p. 850-6.
- Patrizi, A., et al., Clinical effectiveness of a special silk textile in the treatment of recurrent pediatric inflammatory vulvitis: an open label pilot study. G Ital Dermatol Venereol, 2011. 146 (5): p. 317-20.
- D’Antuono, A. et al. DermaSilk briefs in recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis. An alternative option in long-lasting disease. Minerva Ginecol 2013, 65(6):697-705
Kategorier: Medicinska studier